About Us

Who We Are

LawHubb is basically a digital networking platform that aims at connecting individuals around the world to lawyers with ease from the comfort of their homes regardless of their geographical location. The LawHubb platform is designed to have various functions, each function having its own unique features designed to offer a service to the general public on law and related issues.

Lawhubb provides access that educates individuals about their legal rights and how much of an impact exercising these rights with the right legal practitioner will be to their benefit. The platform will feature experienced and competent lawyers with specialties in a wide array of law practice arears such as business/commercial, entertainment, land, contract, family, criminal, chieftaincy, tort, transactions, aviation, company, mining, energy, oil & gas, adoption, etc.

Lawhubb also provides social media handles or services such as live streaming services, live videos, write and posts event, stories, and experiences on the part of user and also allows the lawyers to publish their books, articles, journals, post law related videos among others on the platform.

Vision Statement

Our mission has and is to continue to be a platform that is looking forward to make lives easier when it comes to the law and it surroundings.

1. Promoting the awareness of individual obligations and their beneficial to the law.
2. Having a digital, innovative, interactive and a reliable law-related news stand.
3. To be a platform that connect uses to legal practitioners.
4. To work to put smiles on the faces of our users by creating superior-digital media platform that is inexpensive and resourceful to human lives.

External Service

- 2023, Lawhubb Facts

Throughout our history, we have remained steadfast in our commitment in connecting individuals to top notch legal practitioners and other legal services while building a lasting relationship with our users.

Since our inception, lawhubb has experience a steady growth and success, which has earn us a solid reputation for our professionalism.

LawHubb will not only provide easy access for getting in contact with a professional practitioners but also provide the average individual with an insight into the law environment.
1. Law-related articles will be provided for readers to read.
2. LawHubb will educate users on the laws that govern their environment.
3. News stories and articles that relate to law would be available on the platform.
4. Lawyers will have a Lawyer Insight forum within the Social-Hubb where they can upload their videos on law-related topics, incident and general knowledge at large for their followers on the app,

The app allows Lawyers to upload and sell their articles, books, journals and write-ups on the platform.
1. The platform allow users to have a live streaming content on the app.
2. The app allows users to post, and write articles, post videos, and share law related news on the platform

Our History

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